It is sometimes strange how ideas are born. And it’s not less peculiar where initial concepts lead us to. With this article I can give a good example.
After shooting numerous events and documentations over recent months, I felt the urge to do something “for myself” again, something that goes into a different direction and leaves me with creative freedom, no obligations and offered a kind of relaxation.

All I knew was that I would need a model, someone patient to experiment with. After some scouting I found Anja. I was drawn to her because she is a passionate pole dancer and I thought that
this is something which makes her special. So we got in touch. We chatted nicely, yet I was still missing an idea for a shooting. And the coldness and unpredictability of fall didn't
actually expand our options. So at first I thought about a pole dance shooting. But the most important element - a dancing pole - was missing. And since I wanted a very easy going photo shoot I
postponed the idea.

But what where the options? I wanted a warm place which is easy accessible, without having a lot of costs or effort organizing it and maybe even decorated, at least with furniture in it. Thus – although it was for mere practical reasons at first – my considerations always ended up with “home.”
Then I started to reflect a little deeper on the meaning of “home.” A home should be cozy, it should be convenient and practical, it should be warm in winter and cool in summer, it is filled with memories and personal things, it is sometimes clean, sometimes messy, but always individual. And so on.

Eventually the elements of freedom and security stuck out for me as being very crucial. On the one hand a home would provide the options I wanted: location, clothes, makeup, it all was at hand. It would provide a closed setting with no disturbances through the environment, this being weather or people e.g. And it would have a natural, peaceful atmosphere and uniqueness. On the other hand however, my fear was the exclusiveness of a home could play against me. Who would let a stranger come to their home? …and moreover a stranger who wants to take pictures there! It could become a question of trust and discretion after all.

But I plucked up courage and presented my idea to Anja. I told her that I wanted to make pictures which are more informal and intimate, but are not meant to be sexy. Yet they should convey the freedom at home in what way ever. Honestly, I was not so sure about what the results might become. But that might have been as well “part of the concept.” Actually I felt very much relieved when Anja agreed to the idea and we set up an appointment.
Anyways, in the end speaking about my idea payed off. And now I am very happy to share some of the results from this wonderful morning at Anja’s place. Maybe the idea of a new series has just been born...
Let’s see where it goes.

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